
Kick-off Meeting (Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1-4 October 2020)

Aim: Establish cooperation, develop a Communication Plan and Logo, set framework, tasks, and research methodologies. Exchange non-formal education methods and establish task distribution and deadlines. Focus on creating a research matrix, engage with local museums for insights and recommendations.

Methodologies: presentations, roundtables, team-work.

Research phase (October 2020 – April 2021)

It consisted of two parts: desk research about existing museum education best practices both inside and outside of the partner countries and survey about knowledge about socialism and museum visitation habits of youth in partner countries in a coordinated fashion through online cooperation.

Training course (Trnava, Slovakia, 27 June - 3 July 2022) “Learn from the past, look to the future”

Aim: Equip youth workers with museum educational knowledge and exchange ideas about involvement of non-formal education methods in it; Create CoMeDeVA Museum Education Program and Guide;

Methodologies: Ice-Breaking Games, Team Building Activities, Roundtables, Simulations, Thematic Workshops, Evaluation Sessions, Study Visits, Team-Work.

Youth Exchange (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 17-24 November 2023) “Virtual Art Curators”

Aim: To test CoMeDeVa Museum Education Program and to empower young people to act as a curator in a virtual museum by getting practical experience about online communication and empower to spread the importance of preserving historical and cultural memories with traditional and ICT tools as well - like interviews, photo series, short films, etc. and create digital guide for each genre of the virtual exhibition from youth to youth.

Methodologies: Ice-Breaking Games, Team Building Activities, Roundtables, Simulations, Thematic Workshops, Evaluation Sessions, Study Visits, Team-Work.

Job Shadowing (all partner countries, November-December 2023)

Aim: Exchanging knowledge, best practices and technical competences in the field of active citizenship, democratic values and museum education; collecting and developing ideas for the CoMeDeVa Museum Education Program.

Methodologies: Work-based learning and exchange of best practices among youth operators from partner organizations.

Local workshops (November – December 2023)

Each young person that participated in youth exchange hold local workshop in his or her school/among classmates about what he/she learned, why is important to be active citizen and introduction of next project results where they can get more information.

Local Dissemination Conferences (December 2023)

Aim: Showcasing project results towards national stakeholders, involving stakeholders in promote the Virtual Museum and share the job shadowing activity results on local level.

Methodologies: Presentations, Roundtables, Debates

Evaluation Meeting (online, 15 December 2023)

Aim: Assessing progresses in Dissemination efforts; Assessing progresses in participants’ Activity Plans and stakeholders’ support; Assessing progresses in Web Platform’s access and visibility; Elaborating Project Evaluation Plan; Discussing further cooperation and follow-up initiatives.

Final International Conference (online, 21 December 2023)

“CoMeDeVa international online conference on digital museum education" was a joint effort of seven organisations based in Central Europe and Central Asia.

It served as a tool to disseminate the project results and to provide a forum for relevant stakeholders and youngsters. The conference was an event where the Virtual Museum platform and the final version of the research on museum education were presented. Speakers of the event included representatives of partner organisations who shared their experience and project achievements.

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Collective Memories for Democratic Values (CoMeDeVa), 617470-EPP-1-2020-1-HU-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA is co-financed under the Erasmus+ Programme

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