Project partners

Our Diverse Consortium: Wide Geographical Reach Focused on Quality Civic Education

Committed to utilizing non-formal education as a catalyst, our project spans post-communist countries in Europe and Central Asia. Each partner contributes a unique perspective on non-formal education, shaped by their local context, organizational background, and methodological expertise.



The Institute for Cultural Relations Policy specializes in intercultural dialogue, international relations, and human rights. They host workshops, international conferences, and publish regular issues on these topics. Moreover, they actively engage in international youth projects centered on intercultural learning and non-formal training methods.

ADEL Slovakia

ADEL Slovakia facilitates diverse youth activities like exchanges, trainings, forums, and simulations with participants from different countries. Additionally, they conduct workshops on personal development, entrepreneurship, and discussions on current events, including migration and sports competitions.



International Debate Education Association in Central Asia fosters civic activism among young people in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Their approach involves enhancing critical thinking skills and empowering youth to advocate for their interests, while also collaborating with various stakeholders.



Active Youth Association is a purpose-driven organization working with youth and communities in Lithuania and beyond. They specialize in non-formal education and various vital topics, including migration, entrepreneurship, healthy lifestyle, and human rights.



The Association of Shymkent ACCESS Alumni is dedicated to addressing youth and civil society issues, protecting their rights and interests, and fostering democratization. They strive to create an enabling environment for youth development, education, training, and self-realization.



Mongolian Center for Book Culture is dedicated to education, readers, books, and cultural events. Their mission is to promote global cultures through books, fostering better understanding and appreciation among diverse communities.



Tashkent State Pedagogical University is a progressive and innovative institution with diverse faculties, including history and innovation pedagogy. The university stands out for its various projects, such as an electronic library boasting over 5000 books.

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Collective Memories for Democratic Values (CoMeDeVa), 617470-EPP-1-2020-1-HU-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA is co-financed under the Erasmus+ Programme

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